Feb 8, 2010

soft ragga / drafts

There was a night this week that changed all future nights, and no amount of dancehall will restore stomachs to earlier states.

There was a noise, and a darkness, and now there is a search for small spots, shedding light on stages.

It is cool outside, desert leaves damp and frosted. Nest of hay: rafts in mud puddles.

The sun is out, as it was, and will be. Burning away buoyant clouds. Small mountains sturdy in foreground.

Is this how it feels to lose earth
or to recognize, and remember?

Feb 5, 2010

puffing hispanic

The Pima County Sheriff came in, asked if we'd seen a large Hispanic man "who'd been puffing." There had been an incident down Romero Rd. Police were in body armor and the neighborhood was in lockdown. The sheriff had been chasing after the puffing Hispanic but lost him when he turned the corner. We had not seen any puffing Hispanics, we said. The sheriff was disappointed.

dsert notez

" s man is in exile from i sfamily, from is pain past.  We meet him in the midst of this exile.  the end may involve his return to family, perhaps a physical return, or emtoion or symbolic. Daughte rlovs him but his scared of him, uncler"